Neighbourhood Plan (draft)
Attached below you'll find the first draft of the Torver Neighbourhood Plan.
This is the document that was delivered on Saturday 20th December 2014 to every home in Torver.
It was accompanied by the TNP questionnaire which was collected on Tuesday 3rd February 2015.
Some of those delivered Plans did not include the appendices which are present in the attached PDF version.
The Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Group has been working with the Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) to produce this first draft of the NP for Torver, which will be very important for future planning applications in Torver Parish. It will enable the village to say what kind of development the people of Torver would like to see in our parish; where it should be, and on what scale. When the village has agreed our NP and it has been reviewed by an independent legal assessor, it will become part of the LDNPA's planning policies and will have to be taken into account in any planning applications within the parish.
This is your opportunity to comment on the Draft NP so that we can make changes to ensure that as far as possible the final Plan reflects the collected views of the village. There will be a drop-in session in the Schoolroom during the afternoon of Sunday 4th January when the NP Group will be available to answer your questions about the NP. Your views will be anonymous and will be used to adjust and improve the Plan to produce the final version, which will then be put to a parish referendum. There will be no further consultation at that stage - the choice will be either to accept the NP as it stands or to reject it - so it is important that we take the opportunity now to make whatever changes we think are important.
Only those on the Electoral Roll will be able to vote in the final referendum (a legal requirement).
The consultation period gives time to apply to be on the Register of Electors if you are not already.
Please don't forget to complete your questionnaire - we need everyone's views!
Clare Davison - Parish Clerk
Contact details on the Home page
The attached TNP document can be viewed on your computer by clicking on the title, or downloaded using the down arrow.
Being the original application made by TPC under Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 to set the area to be covered by the NP - the Parish Boundary.